Thursday, September 19, 2013

Where did the summer go?

Hi all

It has been quite awhile since I have typed anything for this blog. My summer has been busy. Fishing has hit the back burner and damn near fell off the range entirely. I haven't worked on a lure in ages either.
So what have I been spending my time on you ask.
Work (i.e. mandatory work placement for school)
Football (season is just wrapping up, PLAYOFFS BABY!!!!)
Family (yes in this order)
and now back to school

I had to complete 10 weeks of work placement, the nice part is I found my own placement and got to work with some good people. The time actually went quickly. Finished the report this past week and got my credits.
Football has been going well too. Personally I think I have only had one solid performance this year for my division 6 team. I finished the season with a .73 goals against average, I'm happy with that. Right now we are gearing up for the promotion playoffs (starts tonight, only have to play 2 matches). Looking forward to it. My hobby league team finished top of the group and are in the cup playoffs. We won last night and are now on to the semis. Our next match is against the team that has the one the whole thing a couple time and beat us up in the semis last year. Time for some payback.
The family is doing well. Kids are getting big and still love to fish with bobber and worm. When we did get to hang out at the country place, I found myself doing more swimming with the kids than fishing. The missus is done with the amount of football I have been playing. That means not much futsal this winter, maybe I will have time to work on some lures.
School started back up a few weeks ago. I have 3 course to finish and my thesis and I am done. The only courses that concern me are the languages. I am monolingual and not ashamed of it. However, requirements dictate that I take and pass two languages. I really shouldn't have put this off till the end. Nothing like pouring on the pressure.

I did start fishing in my local lakes tournaments. There are 6 tournaments throughout the year, I managed to make it to 5 of them. Every time it is different, the first was old school bobber and worm, the next was free choice, the next was trolling, but no motor only rowing (damn was I tired after that) the next was casting only and the final was ice fishing from a boat. Had to use ice fishing gear.

I finished the season in 4th. Not to bad. I blew the casting tournament and was to stubborn to change my plan of attach. If I got some fish in the boat, I might have been able to move up to 2nd. But I had a good time fishing with the old boys and am looking forward to next year's season.

Other than all that, life is good, can't complain. Here are a few pics from the summer.

 Fried Pike, so tasty

 My boy doing what he does best, eating sticks

 The old man Gretzky and the pup

 The pup is not a fan of the boat

 The eldest burying her sister

 A beautiful site

Flower picking

Peace and chicken grease

Monday, March 11, 2013


Howdy folks.

Shit we are a couple weeks into March and I haven't made a post this year. My bad. I guess that is because I don't have much to talk about really. School is school., meaning fucking rubbish. Kids and wife are great and so is our quickly growing puppy. The little shit is already up to 19 kilos, just over 6 months old.

I could go into a rant about the lack of coherent English from my teacher, who is also my thesis advisor, but for once I don't feel like raising my blood pressure.

Since the new year I am happy that I frequent the gym. I go three times a week and am on a weight lifting program. It is going well but I will fill in the blanks later, if the program works. If it doesn't than I will call it out by name and explain why it sucked. So fingers crossed.

Football is just around the corner. We have friendlies lined up for April and we are playing on ASTRO this year for our home games!!!! That fucking rocks, my knees and hips will greatly appreciate that. So ready to play ball.

I could have a internship coming up/. We will find out of Wednesday. Hopefully that pans out.

Other than that, I don't have shit to say. Haven't picked up a lure to work on in some time. But I do have plans for some spinner baits and umbrella rigs. In the next couple of months I will start working on those. I am still making beer. Still using kits. The wife said, "Hell no" to me upping my game and going partial/full mash. Turns out she thinks are place is to small to house all the gear, and I need a job. Can't argue with her, she is right.

I promise the next post will actually be better than this dribble.

Peace and chicken grease.